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Автор: Коломієць Н.
Назва: Вплив німців-менонітів на розвиток південно-українськогосільського господарства у XIX столітті
Сторінок: С. 89
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   На основі вивчення архівних документів та наукових публікацій висвітлено історію переселення німецьких колоністів на українські землі та розкрито їх різнобічну господарську діяльність. Проведено аналіз впливу німців-менонітів на розвиток різних галузей сільського господарства півдня України у XIX ст.: землеробства, рослинництва, садівництва, шовківництва, машинобудування, лісівництва, тваринництва, заповідної справи тощо. Показано значення їх починань та здобутків для сучасного господарства.
   На основании изучения архивных документов и научных публикаций освещена история переселения немецких колонистов на украинские земли и раскрыта их разносторонняя хозяйственная деятельность. Проведен анализ влияния немцев-меннонитов на развитие различных отраслей сельского хозяйства юга Украины в XIX веке: земледелия, растениеводства, садоводства, шелководства, машиностроения, лесоводства, животноводства, заповедного дела и т.д. Показано значение их начинаний и достижений для современного хазяйства.
   On the basis of studying of archival documents and scientific publications the history of resettlement of the German colonists on the Ukrainian lands is lit and their versatile economic activity is opened. The analysis of influence of Mennonite Germans on developm&ent of various branches of agriculture of the South of Ukraine in the XIX century is carried out. Value of their undertakings and achievements for modern economy is shown. The history of the German Mennonite communities in Ukraine proceeds more than &two hundred fifty years. According to the Manifesto of 1763 they were invited by the empress Catherine II for settling and agricultural development of the suburban lands which departed to Russia after the Russian-Turkish wars. Civil liberty, a freedo&m of worship, eternal freedom from a conscription, a ten-year privilege from taxes, a land plot, the right to be engaged in trade and crafts, to open factories and manufactories was provided to colonists. Despite difficulties, colonists joined in eco&nomic development of the lands allocated for them practically at once after resettlement. Exactly here, on the southern lands of Ukraine, in XIX - the beginning of the XX century they created model farms with highly developed agrotechnical culture wh&ich had huge influence on surrounding country farms of the southern Ukrainians. The Russian Government constantly moved towards all economic undertakings of colonists. And it is valid, since twentieth years the XIX century in Molochansky Mennonite co&lonies there was a number of societies which were engaged in the economic and meliorative purposes: "Society for improvement and distribution of agriculture", "Society for distribution of forestry, silkworm breeding and winemaking", "Society for shee&p breeding improvement", "Society of insurance upon fire". Especially the importance had "Society for improvement of agriculture" (1830-1871) which chairman from 1830 to 1848 was a famous figure of Molochansky Mennonites Johann Kornis. Society oblige&d to apply colonies four-field system of a crop rotation: 1) black couples 2) barley, spring-sown field and partially winter wheat 3) spring-sown fi eld 4) rye and oats; to be engaged in afforestation and planting ofgardens, cared of development of a&nimal husbandry, watched a condition of public buildings and housesof peasants. Under the leadership of I. Kornis in colonies rational methods of managing were entered. In1835 it entered obligatory use of "black steam" (Schwarze Brache) in the Moloch&ansky district, in other Mennonite colonies it happened in 1838. Before reform of 1861 the state peasants, recognizing advantages of the German crop, didn"t decide to establish at themselves the German rules. But after reform of 1861 in country life &there were changes and they weren"t afraid to imitate Germans any more. Influence it was expressed in the following: 1) oxen were replaced with horses; 2) carts were replaced with the German vans; 3) the clumsy Little Russian plow was replaced with G&

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