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Опис документа:

Автор: Коваленко Н.
Назва: Історія становлення та розвитку теоретико-методологічних основсівозмін у контексті діяльності наукової школи в Національномууніверситеті біоресурсів і природокористування України
Сторінок: С. 118-123
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   Встановлено основні напрями діяльності вчених-фундаторів наукової школи з розроблення сівозмін у системах землеробства Лісостепу та Полісся в Національному університеті біоресурсів і природокористування України, а також внесок їхніх учнів та послідовників у розвиток теоретико-методологічних основ сівозмін.
   Установлены основные направления деятельности ученых-основателей научной школы по разработке севооборотов в системах земледелия Лесостепи и Полесья в Национальном университете биоресурсов и природопользования Украины, а также вклад их учеников и последователей в развитие теоретико-методологических основ севооборотов.
   A problem of functioning of scientifi c schools and centers is one of most debatable in relation to development of science, existence of that, fi rst of all, is predetermined by many-sided nature of the marked concepts. After the conclusions of many scientists scientifi c school - it not simply the collective of researchers with a scientifi c leader (a teacher and students or laboratory and department are at the head with a leader), but creative concord of scientists of different generations that is incorporated by unity of principles of going near the decision of that or other problem, style of work and thinking, originality of& ideas and methods of realization of the scientifi c program that got considerable results and conquered authority and public confession in the certain form of knowledge. Development of home science about crop rotations in the systems of agriculture &is base on piling up and synthesis of the system of scientifi c knowledge, providing of favourable terms for further scientifi c work of scientists able to open out effective searching activity. In the system of science about the crop rotations of pr&oducting of scientifi c knowledge comes true due to activity of research groups, that deep-rooted to name scientifi c schools, centers, collectives. Genesis of basic scientific theories and conceptions, traditions of scientific work, succession of ge&nerations, is clearly certain in their development. In other words, scientific school of agricultural direction is a collective of likeminded researchers-persons, high form of collective co-operation in the process of scientifi c search of agricultur&al knowledge. A historical analysis confirms, that achievements of the known scientifi c school are from becoming and development of theoretical and methodological bases of crop rotations of Forest-steppe and Polesye of Ukraine founded by a professor& O.V. Klyucharov in the National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, is the bright standard of effective scientifi c organization of structure of conduct of the experienced process from agricultural direction. Ponderable long-te&rm experience and thorough knowledge of continuers of scientifi c school from the problems of development of crop rotations matter very much and actuality for present time and future of home agricultural theory and practice.

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