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Опис документа:

Автор: Бойко-Гагарін А.
Назва: Технологічні особливості використання пуансонівпри карбуванні монет у XV-XVIII ст.: переваги та недоліки
Сторінок: С. 37-41
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У статті розглянуто особливості використання пуансонів у процесі карбування монет в добу Середньовіччя та Нового часу. Наведено класифікацію пуансонів, перераховані переваги та недоліки їх використання.
   В статье рассмотрены особенности использования пуансонов в процессе чеканки монет в эпоху Средневековья и Нового времени. Приведена классификация пуансонов, перечислены преимущества и недостатки их использования.
   In the article is putted a light on the special features of the use of punches in the technical process of coin minting in the Middle Age and the Modern period. Punches are the special tools, which were used for the application of the certain elements on the work area of the coin die. Punches were the iron rods of hardened working end and coated embossed image, which was transmitting to the coin field. The use of punches falls on the stage of the manufacturing of the coin die, or rather, under the application of the image field of the work area of the die. General punches were the punches of the universal use, often were used to cut a simple elements on the coin field (dots, ornaments, crosses, letters, simple patterns, etc.). Special punches were used for embossing on the work area of the die a clearly defined image details, such as an& eagle"s head or legs, portraits, etc. The range of their use is much narrower that of the general punches, special punches were typically used for some one certain type of the coin. General and special punches are also small and large. The use of pu&nches has it"s large benefi ts, such as: - the opportunity to work on a cold metal - replacement of the marks of dates, mint masters and letters elements was reduced only to replacement of several punches, but not of the remake of the all die - creat&ing of the conditions for the use of unskilled labor In our view, the only lack of use of punches is a high probability of causing an inscription of a letter or few in the coin legend with error.

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