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Опис документа:

Автор: Braychevskyy Y.
Назва: Deciding on NATO: a necessary step or a premature move?
Сторінок: С. 87-100
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Географія та туризм
Анотація:   This previously unpublished text has been prepared for the conference on Ukraine - European Union relations (?Ukraine and EU Members or Neighbours??) held by Kyiv Mohyla Academy in Kyiv in 2008. Although, over the six following years, the social contextbecame rather outdated, we believe that the recent events of Maidan-2014 and the following conflict in the East of Ukraine bring the ideas expressed in the paper from hypothetical to practical dimension. Therefore, we offer this text as a retrospective clue for better understanding of Ukraine"s political outburst of 2014. Ukraine has declared European and Euro-Atlantic integration to be its ?number one" foreign policy priority. However, a serious debate is going on on whether the declared course is indeed representing interests of Ukrainians. One can observe a serious split not only within Ukrainian political elite but also among the population. There is a clear geographical pattern of people"s attitude towards the EU and NATO. Ukrainians still have not created their common identity with more or less clear notion of Ukraine"s place and role in the contemporary world. One may distinguish at least two identities: the Ukrainian-nationalist one of western regions and the soviet identity in the east an&d south with central Ukraine wavering in between. This paper argues that Ukrainians are not ready to make a rational choice about NATO and European integration. The choice, if it were to be made, would be guided by emotions and stereotypes rather tha&n understanding of real ?pros" and ?cons". Forcing people to decide about NATO membership at this point is a dangerous path towards not only refusing participation in Euro-Atlantic security system but also refusing the values of democracy and civil s&ociety. More so, treating NATO membership as a necessary step on the road to the EU may have a negative effect on public opinion on European integration.

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