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Опис документа:

Автор: Калач В.М.
Назва: Релігійна ідентичність в контексті етнонаціонального розвитку України
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 21-25
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Софія
Анотація:   У статті розглядаються особливості формування релігійної ідентичності в динаміці геополітичних процесів в Україні, які залежать від історичних умов, особливостей економічного і соціально-політичного устрою, демократичних і культурних традицій суспільства, рівня правового і морального розвитку його членів та амбіцій його лідерів. Доведено, що релігія є вирішальним фактором етнічного буття українців, наголошено на суперечливій ролі християнства в етноідентифікаційних та етноконсолідаційних процесах українства.
   В статье рассматриваются особенности формирования религиозной идентичности в динамике геополитических процессов в Украине, которые зависят от исторических условий, особенностей экономического и социально-политического устройства, демократических и культурных традиций общества, уровня правового и нравственного развития его членов и амбиций ее лидеров. Доказано, что религия является решающим фактором этнического бытия украинцев, отмечена противоречивая роль христианства в этноидентификационных и этноконсолидационных процессах.
   The article discusses the peculiarities of the formation of religious identity in the dynamics of geopolitical processes in Ukraine, which depend on historical conditions, features of the economic and socio-political st&ructure, democratic and cultural traditions of society, the level of legal and moral development of its members and the ambitions of its leaders. It is proved that religion is a decisive factor in the ethnic life of Ukrainians, and the controversial &role of Christianity in ethno-identification and ethno-consolidation processes is noted. The modern world-wide political, economic and spiritual crisis imposes its imprint on Ukraine as well. As one of the transitional countries of the post-socialist& space, our state has not yet found a single-minded vector of its own development, in particular, the ecclesiastical. Ukraine is only on the verge of forming a united national idea and crystallizing its own self-identification on the religious marker&. Religion is the basic semantic-forming component of a unified national identity. Today, religious and ethnic identities are closely intertwined. Therefore, the problem of the ethnorelain factor always attracts significant attention of leading schol&ars, statesmen and church hierarchs. In Ukraine, a significant number of religious groups completely coincide with the boundaries of a separate ethnic group. The lack of civic consensus on the country"s foreign policy, cultural identity, separate sov&ereign positions of the Ukrainian state, the diverse views of the past and the future at the present makes it impossible to formulate unanimous interests, which negatively affects external and internal policies. Compared with the Soviet period, relig&ious identity today is a relatively new category. On opposition to the state-civilian benchmark for many Ukrainians, religion is on the forefront. Undeniably, Orthodoxy played a very important role in the formation of the Ukrainian nation and our rel&igious identity. However, today, multiconfessional diversity and inability or reluctance to negotiate, to be tolerant, break Ukraine into several regions. The negative tendency of loss of awareness of Ukrainians of the unity of religion, nation, comm&on spirit is traced. The formation of religious identity is a long process of formation of society as a whole, and is a consequence of the historical formation of Ukraine as a nation. Religious identification s the reproduction of accumulated social& and religious experience in all spheres. World and domestic scholars are unequivocal in the conclusions that the central place in the formation of national identity belongs to religiousness. Religious beliefs that have an indelible imprint of an eth&nic group living on a particular territory are precisely the enter of the formation of a new national-religious identity of Ukrainian society.

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