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Опис документа:

Автор: Zhorniak N.Ye.
Назва: Development and Implementation Guidelines for Professional Training of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Видавництво: ТНПУ
Сторінок: С. 44-50
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка
Анотація:   The article considers the key aspects of the development and implementation of vocational training programs for indigenous people in Canada, describes the specifics of indigenous professional activity, defines the concept of "indigenous peoples". Given the complex historical relationship between European emigrants and indigenous people, the issue of socialization of this stratum is given special attention. The main obstacles encountered in the path of indigenous people to obtaining vocational training,namely historical, social, geographic, demographic, cultural and individual, were studied. Cultural relevance is often used in schools only as an instrument of dominant ideologies, which promotes understanding of what it means to be a successful member of society. Of course, European standards became the criteria for success. And, despite all their importance, they, instead of having a positive impact on the development of education and community, were the usual mechanisms for the introduction of dominant concepts. Worldwide learning is basically the responsibility of the state. A universal goal of providing basic education is still at the stage of discussing how to effectively use local knowledge to support the priorities of the local community. Th&e strategic directions of the development of the education of the indigenous inhabitants, in particular, the program of access, the provision of communication for the community, the control of the indigenous people over their own education, the coope&ration between the indigenous communities and the leading educational institutions, and the support of the students that meets the needs of the indigenous people, are explored. Leaders and teachers of higher education institutions should ensure the d&evelopment of teaching methods for indigenous peoples and the implementation of an educational structure that would meet the needs of the indigenous population. In addition, for the successful implementation of the educational process of the indigeno&us people, the Elders have been involved into it, which offered students and teachers a different way of acquiring knowledge and additional worldview. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of vocational training programs, their impact on the w&elfare of the community and the level of involvement of indigenous people.
   Основні аспекти розробки та впровадження програм професійної підготовки для корінного населення Канади.

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