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Наукова бібліотека ім. М. Максимовича UNDP in Ukraine
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Опис документа:

Автор: Мудра К.В.
Назва: Аналіз багаторічної динаміки коливань стоку Дністра та його приток
Видавництво: ГАЛЛАПРІНТ
Сторінок: С. 15-20
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   The article considers the cyclical fluctuations of the river flow of rivers in the Dniester basin in the context of climate change and their impact on the hydrological regime of the rivers. During the studies, we discovered that many researchers were engaged in the issue of cyclical fluctuations of the river flow in different parts of the Dniester basin. The Dniester river basin is characterized by a considerable distance from the north-west to the south-east, and the Dniester itself and its tributaries flow through natural zones, with different geographical features, and this fact plays a major role in the Dniester river flow characteristics and its tributaries. In this study a comparative analysis of the combined difference curves of the average annual, maximum and minimum water discharge within the Dniester basin is made. The difference integral curves show the variations in the sum of the average deviations for the year of Qi water discharge from the average multi-year Q0 . The article presents the study of the basin by dividing it into three parts - its right bank tributaries, the left bank tributaries and the Dnister itself. The study also presents combined graphs of long-term fluctuations in the in the Dniester basin, built with the use of& materials from long-term flow monitoring at 64 current hydrological gaugies in the Dniester basin. For the difference integral curves construct we used the following flow characteristics: annual average water discharge, maximum water discharge of ra&in floods and spring water, the minimum water discharge of summer and winter periods of the year. In the course of the research, we detected a deviation in the flow fluctuations trends and the period when the hydrological regime was violated, which c&aused the deviations in the graphs of the combined difference curves. The obtained results have shown that the fluctuations of water levels on the right bank tributaries and on the Dniester are absolutely in-phase, and the violation of synchronizatio&n is observed on the left bank tributaries, especially in the case of minimal water discharge. The principle of division of the Dniester basin into parts for further study showed that even in such study scenario, we can obtain results for further flo&w changes prediction on the rivers.
   У даній статті здійснено порівняльний аналіз суміщених різницевих кривих середньорічних, максимальних та мінімальних витрат води в межах басейну Дністра, розділивши весь басейн на три частини - його правобережні& притоки, лівобережні та власне сам Дністер. Отримані результати показали, що абсолютно синфазними є коливання періодів водності на правобережних притоках та на Дністрі, порушення синхронності коливань спостерігається на лівобережних притоках, особли&во у випадку мінімальних витрат води.

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