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Опис документа:

Автор: Гоцька Є.М.
Назва: Благодійність як складова соціальної діяльності мусульманських громад України
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 11-15
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Софія
Анотація:   Наразі в Україні триває процес трансформації мусульманської громади. Разом з етапом її інтеграції, народилась тенденція до активного включення ісламських ідентичностей у сучасні дискурси сьогодення України. Одним з яких беззаперечно є соціальна діяльність, яка наразі демонструє консолідованість мусульманських громад разом з немусульманською більшістю країни. У статі автор розкриває поняття "благодійності" посилаючись на традицію та культову практику ісламу.
   Сейчас в Украине идет процесс трансформации мусульманской общины. Вместе с этапом ее интеграции, появилась тенденция к актив- ному включению исламских идентичностей в современные дискурсы сегодняшней Украины. Одним из которых несомненно является соци-альная деятельность, которая сейчас демонстрирует консолидация мусульманских общин вместе с немусульманским большинством страны. В статье автор раскрывает понятие "благотворительности", ссылаясь на традицию и культовую практику ислама.
   At present, the process of transformation of the Muslim community continues in Ukraine. Together with the stage of its integration, the tendency to actively include Islamic identities in contemporary discourses of today"s Ukraine was born. One of them is undeniable - social activity, which at present demonstrates &the consolidation of Muslim communities along with the non-Muslim majority of the country. In the article the author discovers the concept of "charity" referring to the tradition and religious practices of Islam. The basis of doctrine is the principl&e of charity, as one of the pillars of Islam - zakat. Also in Islam there are such forms of charity as: Sadaka and Waqf. In the article, the author analyzes how the activities of Muslim organizations relate to the prescriptions of religion. What prin&ciple guides the representative of religious organizations in their social work. The article will also clarify the issues that have arisen during the period of complex geopolitical transformations in Ukraine. Formation of charitable organizations is &a way to ensure the principle of justice in society. It was transformed into a certain institute, which provided more rigorous intent, regularity and increased responsibility. The Largest Islamic Centers have an active charitable division throughout &the territory of Ukraine. Organize holidays and educational activities, involve volunteers and all non-indifferent people. The activities of charitable organizations created by the newest religions are aimed at both individuals in need of it and enti&re social groups (for example, refugees, migrants), and is to fund and organize social projects of a charitable nature. Muslim community activists organize a free food distribution to low-income citizens, the disabled, the elderly and the sick, as we&ll as to families with many children, regardless of their national, religious or other belongings, as well as to provide spiritual and psychological assistance to the disadvantaged, especially in places of military conflicts and natural disasters. Fo&r the most complete disclosure of this topic, the author of the article, turned to sites and pages in social networks to identify the results of charitable activities and determine the level of its effectiveness. It turned out that most organizations& really take active part in social projects, create their own charitable movements, take care of the dying houses and rehabilitation centers. Islam is a religion traditionally presenting charity in many of its manifestations. Religious organizations &can carry out charitable activities both independently and through public funds. Therefore, any charitable activity is carried out exclusively at the request of the organization.

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