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Опис документа:

Автор: Tsaregradskaya T.L., Kozachenko V.V., Kuryliuk A.M., Turkov O.V., Saenko G.V.
Назва: Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Phase Formation Processes in Amorphous Alloy Fe76Ni4Si14B6
Видавництво: Sumy State University
Сторінок: Р. 03031-1-03031-4
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Journal of nano- and electronic physics
Анотація:   One of the most important trends in modern physics of condensed state is the study of amorphous metallic alloys in metastable state, because their properties essentially depend on the influence of external conditions, especially in the region of phase transitions. External actions, such as low temperature annealing and mechanical treatment, lead to a change in the structure and physical properties of amorphous alloys. Effect of ultrasonic mechanical activation on the structure and properties of amorphous metal alloys is studied not enough, so such research is a relevant task. The aim of the work is an experimental study of the effect of ultrasonic treatment on thermal stability of the amorphous alloy Fe76Ni4Si14B6. The results of dilatometric studies show the increase in crystallization temperature of the samples of amorphous alloy Fe76Ni4Si14B6, that is, the expansion of thermal stability interval of the alloy, after ultrasound treatment. When intensity of ultrasonic treatment is 1 W/cm2, the temperature of intensive crystallization beginning increases by 30 K regardless of processing time (1-100 min), and with intensity of ultrasonic treatment of 2 W/cm2, the temperature of intensive crystallization beginning increases by 50 K regardless of pro&cessing time (1-80 min). As a parameter for comparing the mechanical properties of the amorphous alloy before and after ultrasonic treatment, microhardness was used. Microhardness of the amorphous alloy after ultrasonic treatment is reduced by 15 %, &which indirectly confirms the fact that percentage of crystalline phase in the alloy is reduced by reducing size of frozen-in crystallization centers. Increasing of the thermal stability interval of Fe76Ni4Si14B6 amorphous alloy and reducing of the m&icrohardness can be explained by the fact that ultrasonic treatment leads to decrease in the size or dissolution of frozen-in crystallization centers, resulting in homogenization of the amorphous alloy structure.

З 31.12.2014 по 01.03.2015 Наукова бібліотека
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