The article is dedicated to the study of the process of teaching reading at philological faculties of higher educational establishments, its levels, types, stages and strategies. The article examines classifications of levels of reading. Such levels as literal, inferential, critical, creative; evaluation, synthesis, interpretation; elementary (rudimentary, basic or initial), inspectional, analytical (thorough, complete), syntopical (comparative) are described. In the article such types of reading as survey reading, skimming, and superficial reading (extensive reading), content study reading and linguistic study reading (intensive reading) are studied. Stages of reading – pre-reading, while/during reading, after-reading are characterized. Factors that predetermine a reader`s understanding of the text are mentioned. The article presents the analysis and description of the strategies of teaching reading to students of philological departments in Ukraine that from the author`s point of view are seldom used and could be of immense educational value if used consistently, among them are graphic organizers, picking up a scene, thinking aloud, K-W-L or K-W-W-L charts, probable passage, draw a text. The article also examines strategies for reading non-fict&ion as an important part of the process of teaching reading to students of philological departments, namely: establish purpose, survey, revise purpose, study in depth, evaluation. In the article the advantages of the listed strategies have been enume&rated, their benefits for the students have been mentioned.
Навчання читанню студентів філологічних факультетів в Україні : переосмислюючи західний досвід.
Стаття присвячена дослідженню процесу навчання читанню на філологічних факультетах вищих нав&чальних закладів в Україні, рівнів, стадій, типів і стратегій читання. У дослідженні представлено аналіз і описання, проаналізовано переваги і вигоди певних стратегій навчання читанню, запропонованих західними вченими, які, на погляд автора, могли б &бути корисні за умови систематичного використання.
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