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Опис документа:

Автор: Щербань І.М., Ганчук А.В.
Назва: Динаміка повторюваності гроз на півночі України
Сторінок: С. 83-88
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У статті розглянуті умови утворення гроз та класифікація грозових осередків. Досліджувана територія включає 7 областей, що розташовані на півночі України. Проведений часово-просторовий аналіз грозової активності в ХХ та на початку ХХІ сторіччя. Проаналізовані сучасні тенденції повторюваності грозових днів. Визначені синоптичні причини основних тенденцій повторюваності гроз.
   The article deals with the conditions of the formation of thunderstorms and classification of storm cells. The initial area includes 7 regions, which are located in Northern Ukraine. Time-spatial analysis of thunderstorms activity in the 20-th and early 21-st century was conducted. The basic factors of development thunderstorms activity were defined. The modern tendencies of space-time variability of repeatability storm days were analyzed. Synoptic reasons of main trends repeatability thunderstorms were defined: on the investigated territory thunderstorms often occur in the Hollows, which mainly aimed from the North, Northwest orNortheast. The vast number of thunderstorms associated with the passage of the Western cold fronts from wave outrages. For the most part this is sedentary kvazimeridional oriented fronts located in the Hollows, which moved from West to East. From war&m period 1991-2013 is the average number of days with thunderstorm increase on 1.5 days for 1 day of Volyn, Rivne, for 2 days for Kyiv on 2,5 days for the Sumy and 3,7 days for Lviv regions.
   The dynamics of distribution of the number of days with th&understorms reflect the value of the angular coefficient of linear trend (K) for each area. Time distribution of the number of days with thunderstorms found steady tendency to growth of thunderstorms activity in the territory of each of the regions i&n the period of 1991-2013. Over the last twenty years the positive trend noted in all of the studied regions. The most sustainable increased of thunderstorms activity is marked in the Northwest region: Volyn, Rivne, North of Zhitomir regions.
   Of the& 90-th of the twentieth century, the warm period observed-significant has tendency to increase the temperature of the air and moisture content in the troposphere, which led to a growth in the convective available potential energy of the atmosphere, t&he speed of rising flows, increasing the level of condensation and convection and led to increased instability in the atmosphere. As a result of such changes in the studied areas has increased the number of storm effects.
   В статье рассматриваются ус&ловия образования гроз и классификация грозовых очагов. Исследуемая территория включает 7 областей, которые размещены на севере Украины. Проводился пространственно-временной анализ грозовой активности в ХХ и начале ХХІ ст. Проанализированы современны&е тенденции изменчивости грозовых дней. Определены синоптические условия основных тенденций повторяемости гроз.

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