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Опис документа:

Автор: Олексюк А.А., Трофимчук А.Н., Шитикова И.Г.
Назва: Динамические характеристики подогревательно-аккумуляторных установок
Видавництво: ТВіМС
Сторінок: С. 78-88
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Журнал обчислювальної та прикладної математики
Анотація:   The method of equation solution of heat-mass exchange processes, that allow to determine the heat carrier temperature at any point of the surface and at any moment in the threecircuit heat exchanger of a coiled type, is quoted in the given article. It is important to know the processes running inside the apparatus as well as to calculate the temperatures in any point of the coils for the technical characteristics improvement of the threecircuit heat exchanger of a coiled type. That becomes possible in the given calculation. The task solution will allow save the materials consumption for the threecircuit heat exchangers of a coiled type manufacturing in the future We will only confine ourselves to the cases of the three heat carriers spiral parallel flow, limited by the frame of the heat exchanger and coils of the heating and hot water supply systems contours, that refer to the physical nature of the heating and mass exchange process for the derivation of the equations describing the dynamic characteristics of the multicircuit heat exchanger of a coiled type in HAU under study, then the equations system will be difficult for its solution. The scientific basis of the mathematical description of the heat transfer process in the multithreaded degree &of the heat exchanging units in the form of the linear differential equations system have been formulated. Traditionally the heat transfer tasks are solved in conformity with the double-flow systems, in which the heat exchange is carried out between &hot and cold heat carriers. However one of the frequently used multithreaded systems is projected alongside with the double-flow systems. In case the number of the heat carriers is more than two, then an additional system analysis is required for the& optimal flows structure option. The natural pattern is developed for the heat and mass exchange processes effectiveness increase in the heat exchangers of a coiled type for the independent heat supply systems, mathematical modelling is applied for t&he heat transfer process in the multicurcuit heat exchanger under the conditions of various character of the heat carriers traffic description.
   В данной статье приведен способ решения уравнений процессов тепломассообмена, позволяющих определить темп&ературу теплоносителя в любой точке поверхности и в любой момент времени, в трехконтурном теплообменнике змеевикового типа.

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