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Опис документа:

Автор: Kyrchaniv M.
Назва: Local currencies: economic anthropology, regional performativism and modernization of identity
Сторінок: Р. 10-15
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Економічний часопис - XXI
Анотація:   The author analyses theoretical problems of economic regionalisation in the context of local currencies. Economic anthropology and intersected fields of contemporary economic theory develop as a set of interdisciplinary post-modern and post-institutionalist methods and approaches which are widely and actively used for the analysis of economic processes in traditional and transitional societies. The purpose of this article is to analyse the characteristics, trends and systemic features of local currencies. Results. The author analyzed the main directions of economic and political use of local currencies. It is presumed that various forms and local versions of currencies historically arise in the postnationalising and globalising world as a reaction of regions which try to save their identities. Anthropological roots and backgrounds of local emissions actualise hidden symbolic senses of paper money as visualised forms of identity. The analysis of localised and regionalised economic realities has advanced the role of formal and informal institutions and communities in course of regionalisation. The interpretation of the results is presented in the article. Analysis of different theoretical approaches in local currencies studies can significantly bro&aden the range of interpretations of localised economic processes. The synthesis of approaches proposed in economic anthropology, nationalism studies, identity economics and other post-modern theories, including the performativist turn, will help to &conduct more productive theoretical studies of contemporary localised economies in context of formal and informal institutions. Conclusions. Economic anthropology, identity economics and other relevant interdisciplinary approaches are promising direc&tions in modern economic thought. It provides scholars with a wide range of tools, practices and strategies that can be effective in the analysis of economic fragmentation and regionalisation processes. These interdisciplinary methods actualise the p&otential of economic anthropology in studies of local currencies in the context of monetisation of regionalised forms of national identity.
   Статтю присвячено питанням теоретичного вивчення локальних валют. Регіональні валюти стали одним із наслідків& регіоналізації економіки, зростання та розвитку регіональних альтернативних ідентичностей. Аналізуються різні теоретичні підходи до вивчення локальних валют. Автор аналізує локальні валюти в контексті сучасних міждисциплінарних підходів, включаючи е&кономічну антропологію, концепцію уявних спільнот і винайдення традицій, перформативiстський поворот.

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