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Опис документа:

Автор: Скворцова К.М.
Назва: Діяльність як субстанція щастя
Видавництво: ЗДІА
Сторінок: С. 100-113
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії
Анотація:   У статті здійснено спробу дослідити діяльність як субстанціональне підгрунтя щастя. Досліджено феномен щастя як багатоелементну систему. Встановлено, що структуроутворюючими елементами даної системи є: особисті і суспільні інтереси, суспільно-значущі потреби, цілі, цінності, ідеали. Виявлено становлення феномена щастя у перетворюючій діяльності, пізнавальній діяльності, ціннісно-орієнтаційній діяльності, комунікативній діяльності людини. Прийшли до висновку, що дана система руйнується, відколи виникає відчуження діяльності від людини. Обгрунтовано, що щастя є внутрішньо суперечливим феноменом, що обумовлюється його діяльнісною природою.
   This paper is devoted the activity as a substantial basis for happiness. The phenomenon of happiness is analyzed asa system of elements: personal and social interests, needs, socially meaningful goals, values, ideals. We found that happiness phenomenon occurs in transforming activity, cognitive activity, value-orientation activities, and communicative activity. We conclude that the system collapses, since there is alienation of the human. Happiness is internally contradictory phenomenon, which is due to its nature of activity. Elemental thoughtless human actions led to acute global problems of humanity. It is im&portant to note that the theoretical relevance of social and philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of happiness, but also of his substantial background, is that todays fragmented permeated philosophical dimension of social life. The concept of "ha&ppiness" is quite different, sometimes "distorted" interpretation. The trouble is the authors of the content of the term substitute for the content of other concepts (life satisfaction, good value, positive emotions, joy of life, life success, etc.).& Modern foreign and domestic psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, social philosophers erected to achieve regularity assumptions: social relationships (family, love, friends), work, wealth, social status, education, religion, positive attitude, &optimism, high self-esteem, accomplishment country. We consider these conditions occur in achieving happiness, but happiness activity-based phenomenon, researchers do not pay immediate attention of the subject. The phenomenon of happiness always cont&ains an active, creative foundation perfectly - transcendental faculties of man, in the terminology of the existentialists, "unsolved mysteries of human existence". This causes hesitation on the usefulness of various procedures existential "clean" co&nsciousness of subject-naturalistic effects, which aim to identify genuine undistorted basis of human happiness. We are talking about the approach, according to which set of subject-object-subject basis and activity of human nature, recovery of subje&ctivity in the modern world. Therefore, we assume that the substantial foundation of the phenomenon of happiness is an activity of the subject. Happiness begins to exist from the time when the process of human activity there is unity of personal and &social interests and needs. Interests are mediated important social needs of the entity in achieving happiness, that such needs are really necessary to society in some specific historical conditions. The activities of human subjects" targeted actions& can shape the fullness of being, to promote happiness. Human activities are divided into the following types belonging to the subject-object relations: transforming activity, cognitive activity, value-orientation activities and communicative activit&ies. We believe that each of these activities, taken together, provides the fullness of life. This is the alienation of labor rights, the painful consequences of which lead to unhappiness, destroying its communications system. In conclusion happiness& is internally contradictory phenomenon, which is due to its nature of activity. There is ample evidence that at the present stage of human acute global problems generating ever increasing desire to live in harmony with yourself and the world. Howeve&

Пошук: заповніть хоча б одне з полів

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