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Опис документа:

Автор: Палагнюк М.М.
Назва: Гендерна проблематика: виклики сучасності
Видавництво: ЗДІА
Сторінок: С. 73-83
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії
Анотація:   У статті проводиться аналіз гендерної проблематики, що є визначальною й актуальною для сучасного суспільства. Подається історичний огляд феміністично-філософських концепцій і робиться акцент на необхідності переосмислення ролі жінки в культурі та суспільстві. Розкривається поняття гендер у соціокультурному та персонологічному контекстах як особливий метод впорядкування соціальної практики. Висвітлюється різноманітні підходи до розуміння гендерної проблематики у сучасній західній парадигмі науки.
   The article analyzes the gender perspective, which is decisive and relevant to modern society. It is proposed to review the historical feminist and philosophical concepts and emphasizes the need to rethink the role of women in culture and society. The conceptof "sex" and "gender" is sometimes used as synonyms, although majority of researchers distinguish between them. The first biological means, the second - the social and cultural characteristics of individuals differentiation by sex. Socio-cultural norms provide psychological qualities, behaviors, profession of women and men. Being of man or a woman in society is not just to have different anatomical features, but realization of gender roles. Masculinity and feminity - the two main categories of gende&r studies that generalize regulatory submission and installation what should be and the need to engage men and women in a particular society in a certain era. The masculine gender role attributes to men to be dominant, aggressive, career-oriented, mo&re successful in technical sciences. Women, however, should be weak, dependent, soft, successful in the humanities and more emotional. Nowadays, scientists have concluded that sex is not limited to psychological consciousness itself as the representa&tive of a particular sex or manifestation of masculinity and femininity. Recently, there are models in which gender identity as a set of factors (gender attitudes, behaviors correlated with gender, interests, physical attributes), which generally def&ine their own gender identity of the individual. The imagery of texts of thinkers of the twentieth century allows to understand feminist philosophy as early childhood longing for what is perceived as a lost paradise, a utopian place that model relati&onships in a patriarchal society does not accept. The feminism, which is aimed at weakening the dominant patriarchal culture, looking for new ways to change the world, can be interpreted as the individual or cultural memory which keeps alive the utop&ian image of childhood. At the end of XX century to the science in Western European countries, the USA and Canada is another interesting phenomenon is also associated with feminist movement, namely gender studies. At the end of XX century to the scie&nce in Western European countries, the USA and Canada entered phenomenon is also associated with feminist movement, namely gender studies. Gender mainstreaming, gender studies, theory queer, gender in feminism, genderism as a particular movements are& highlighted.

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