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Опис документа:

Автор: Золотарьова Н.І.
Назва: Правосвідомість та правова культура в розвитку інституту адміністративно-правового регулювання відносин у екологічній сфері
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 172-179
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті розглянуто взаємозв"язок правової свідомості і правової культури з регулюванням відносин екологічної безпеки. Ці відносини регулюються різними галузями права, але в найбільшій мірі процес регламентації здійснюється нормами адміністративного права. Звертається увага на роль компетентної правової культури при здійсненні влади, спрямованої на виконання завдань і функцій держави. Показаний вплив законодавства Євросоюзу на правову свідомість у сфері екологічної безпеки.
   The article deals with the correlation of legal awareness and legal culture of administrative and legal regulation of relations of environmental safety. These relations are governed by different branches of law, but this process is carried mostly by norms of administrative law. A particular attention is paid to the role of competent legal culture in the exercise of power, designed to perform the tasks and functions of the state. Functionaries should possess a high level of professionalism and sense of justice for the creation andimplementation of normative acts of executive power. The influence of EU legislation on legal awareness in environmental safety can serve as an example. Regulations aimed at regulating of social relations in the field of environmental security, issue&d by the state, should be legal, and not only fair, but also should be directed at the environmental protection. Ukrainian state bodies should be staffed by the functionaries who are rather competent in the field of ecology. Thus the role of sense of& justice is primarily determined in the legal level, where the environmental knowledge, generated in the research field of social and in the sphere of the environmental law, has the significant impact on the attitudes of people and involves knowledge& of nature process in their integrality.
   The environmental legislation of the European Union and the new Ukrainian administrative legislation that arises under its influence are of great importance for the formation of sense of justice and legal cul&ture. The Concept of National Program of adaptation of the Ukraine’s legislation to the EU legislation provides «to give priority to legislative acts of Ukraine, aimed at creating of positive environment of human life, environmental protection and ra&tional nature use». Undoubtedly, the EU legislation will promote the formation of the positive attitude of the Ukrainian citizens towards the environmental system, refraining from illegal acts that harm the environment and improving the environmental& culture.

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