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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

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IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/11 : Republic of Madagascar: poverty reduction strategy paper. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/12 : Sierra Leone: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/13 : United Republic of Tanzania; fourth review under the policy support instrument.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/14 : Cape Verde: fifth review under the policy support instrument.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/15 : Germany: 2008 article 4 consultation.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/16 : Malawi: request for one-year exogenous shocks facility arrangement - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/17 : Ukraine - stand by arrangement - review under the emergency.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/18 : Kenya; third review under the policy reduction.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/19 : Barbados: report on the observance of standards and codes.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/2 : Sierra Leone: 2008 article 4 consultation, third review under three-year arrangement.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/20 : Republic of Serbia: request for stand-by arrangement - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/22 : Russian Federation: report on the observance of standards and codes.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/23 : Colombia: 2008 article 4 consultation.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/24 : Colombia: selected issues. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/25 : Arab Republic of Egypt: 2008 article 4 consultation.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/27 : Bolivia: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/28 : Qatar: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/29 : Republic of Armenia: 2008 article 4 consultation.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/3 : Republic of Latvia: request for stand-by arrangement - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/30 : Republic of Belarus: financial system stability assessment.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/31 : Greece: report on the observance of standards and codes.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/32 : Qatar: statistical appendix. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/33 : Cote d"Ivoire: enhanced heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) - preliminary.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/34 : The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: request for disbursement under the rapid-access component.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/35 : El Salvador: 2008 article 4 consultation.... – 2009
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