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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

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пр. академіка Глушкова 2, географічний факультет, 2-й поверх, читальна зала.

IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/379 : Mexico: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff supplement; and public information notice on the executive board discussion for Mexico. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/380 : Arab Republic of Egypt: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff statement; public information notice on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for the Arab Republic of Egypt. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/381 : Arab Republic of Egypt: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/382 : Lebanon: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff statement; public information notice on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Lebanon. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/383 : Sri Lanka: financial system stability assessment - update, including reports on the observance of standards and codes on the following topics: banking supervision and payment systems. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/384 : Lebanon: report on performance under the program supported by emergency post-conflict assistance. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/385 : Vietnam: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/386 : Vietnam: statistical appendix. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/387 : Vietnam: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff supplement and statement; public information notice on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Vietnam. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/388 : Niger: fifth review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility and requests for waiver, modification of performance criteria, and extension of the arrangement - staff report; staff supplement.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/389 : Bulgaria: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; public information notice on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Bulgaria. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/39 : Mongolia: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/390 : Bulgaria: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/4 : People"s Republic of Chine - Hong Kong special administrative region: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/40 : Islamic Republic of Mauritania: poverty reduction strategy paper. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/41 : Niger: poverty reduction strategy paper - 2004 and 2005 annual progress report - joint staff advisory note. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/42 : Islamic Republic of Mauritania: poverty reduction strategy paper - joint staff advisory note. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/43 : Islamic Republic of Mauritania:second review under the staff monitored program and request a three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/44 : Cape Verde:first review under the policy support instrument - staff report; press release on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Cape Verde. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/45 : Republic of Moldova: first review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/46 : Burundi: poverty reduction strategy paper. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/47 : Ukraine: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/48 : Ukraine: statistical appendix. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/49 : Liberia: second review of performance under the staff-monitored program and new program for 2007. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/5 : People"s Republic of Chine - Hong Kong special administrative region: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2007
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