| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/205 : Albania: joint staff assessment of the poverty reduction strategy paper annual progress report. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/209 : Ghana: enhanced initiative for heavily indebted poor countries - completion point document. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/210 : Ghana: second review under the poverty reduction and growth facility and request for waiver of nonobservance of performance criteria - staff report; staff statement.... – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/211 : Pakistan: eighth review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility and request for waivers and modification of performance criteria.... – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/212 : Botswana: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/213 : Germany: report on the observance of standards and codes - FATF recommendations for anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/215 : Pakistan: financial system stability assessment, including reports on the observance of standards and codes on the following topics: monetary and financial policy transparency, banking supervision.... – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/217 : Republic of Poland: 2004 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff supplement; and public information notice on the executive board discussion. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/218 : Republic of Poland: selected issues. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/219 : Republic of Poland: report on the observance of standards and codes - fiscal transparency module - update. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/220 : Romania: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/222 : Zambia: request for three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility - staff report; staff statement; press release.... – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/225 : Botswana: 2003 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff supplement; public information notice on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Botswana. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/226 : Peru: request for stand-by arrangement - staff report; press release on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Peru. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/227 : Turkey: seventh review under the stand-by arrangement, and requests for waiver of applicability and nonobservance of performance criteria, rephasing of purchases.... – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/228 : United States: selected issues. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/229 : Botswana: report on the observance of standards and codes - data module - response by the authorities - update. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/230 : United States: 2004 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff supplement; and public information notice on the executive board discussion. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/231 : Republic of Congo: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/232 : Republic of Congo: 2004 article 4 consultation and new staff-monitored program - staff report; staff statement; public information notice on the executive board discussion; and statement.... – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/234 : Euro area policies: staff report; staff supplement; public information notice on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director on Euro area policies. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/235 : Euro area policies: selected issues. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/237 : Austria: selected issues. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/238 : Austria: financial system stability assessment, including reports on the observance of standards and codes on the following topics: banking supervision, securities regulation, insurance.... – 2004 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/239 : Nigeria: 2004 article 4 consultation - staff report; and public information notice on the executive board discussion. – 2004 | | | |